Over the past decade, Compassion in World Farming USA has worked to create a more humane world for farmed animals.
From lobbying for corporate policy changes to advocating for farmed animals in the U.S. Supreme Court, the world's oldest farmed animal welfare organization has become a driving force for ending factory farming and ending animal cruelty across the United States. Through a lens of passionate pragmatism, Compassion in World Farming USA has protected countless animals from needless suffering, to give them lives worth living. And none of it would be possible without the trust and dedication of our supporters!
April 2014
Better Chicken Initiative launched, to help move food companies from "bad"—intensive farming systems—to "better"—higher welfare systems that incorporate lower stocking densities and provide enrichments such as natural light, straw and perches—to "best"—pasture-raised, humane and sustainable systems. In the years since, more than 230 U.S. companies have committed to sourcing better chicken.
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December 2014
Exposed: Humans and animals trapped in the same system of factory farming, with the majority of contracts controlled by only four companies. Farmer Craig Watts blows the whistle on the chicken industry, inspiring a new movement of "Transfarmation" to improve the lives of chickens.
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September 2015
A wave of cage-free commitments kicks off, with McDonald's announcing that by 2025 they will no longer buy eggs from farmers keeping their hens in cages in the US and Canada. It met that goal early in 2024.
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June 2016
Perdue Farms becomes first major poultry company to publish a detailed animal welfare policy that lays out their current practices and plans for improvement—just a year and a half after Compassion in World Farming released a video of one of Perdue's own contract farmers speaking out against chicken factory farming.
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September 2017
First EggTrack report launched to monitor the food industry's progress toward cage-free egg farming. The tool highlights leaders, motivates those who have fallen behind and affirms the need for ongoing improvement and transparency in the market.
Visit EggTrack.com
November 2018
California's Proposition 12 passes, the strongest farmed animal protection law in the world. Regulations require veal calves, breeding pigs, and egg-laying hens to be housed in cage-free systems with specified minimum floor space, and prevent the sale of non-conforming products within the state.
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March 2019
First ChickenTrack report launched. ChickenTrack recognizes the progress of food companies against specific animal welfare targets, such as decreasing stocking density, expanding access to enriched environments, and the use of healthier and slower-growing breeds of chickens.
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September 2020
CIWF U.S. presents at a National WIC Association conference. This marks the beginning of a multi-year campaign to expand access to higher welfare food for low-income families.
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August 2021
U.S. Working Group for Broiler Welfare formed. In recognition of the collaboration needed to improve broiler chicken welfare, leading food and retail brands join forces to explore practical strategies and creative solutions that will enable progress toward Better Chicken Commitments.
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January 2023
Only U.S. octopus farm permanently shut down. Kanaloa Octopus Farm on Hawaii's Big Island was ordered to cease and desist following a Compassion in World Farming report highlighting the unsuitability of octopuses for intensive farming.
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April 2024
CIWF's END.IT petition to end factory farming reaches half a million signatures.
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October 2024
Compassion in World Farming USA celebrates ten years of working to create better lives for farmed animals.