Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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Ways to give

Show your compassion for farmed animals. Whichever giving method you choose, your contribution will be used in the most effective way possible to end factory farming—the biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet 

On behalf of animals around the world, thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Compassion in World Farming is a nonprofit organization that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Upon completing your contribution, you will receive a receipt for your donation via email. Please consult with your tax advisor if you have questions.

Absolutely! Our mailing address is 211 East 43rd Street, 7th Floor, New York City, NY 10017. 

Meghan Endicott is our Donor Development Officer. She can be reached directly by phone at (646) 724-4922. You can also submit your inquiry using the contact form below.

Around the globe, our family of compassionate advocates is growing 


Our farm animals often live lives of horror and suffering which is intolerable and unethical; CIWF has a greater impact on this plight than I can have on my own. 

Jen, TN


I LOVE all animals - they are family to me. Because I can't have a farm of my own in this lifetime, I choose to donate to Compassion USA. I so appreciate their involvement. 

Babette, CO


I think animals deserve our kindness. We need a better way to feed humanity. It hurts me to see cruelty to these animals. I really appreciate what you are doing in the organization. Keep up the good work!

Charity, TX


Thank you so much for being a part of this wonderful organization which does so much good, advocating on animals’ behalf. Thank you for being out there, changing people's hearts, minds, and dinner options.

Alisha, OH

Get in touch with our fundraising team


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