Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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How can we help?

We supply journalists, authors and broadcasters with

  • Accurate scientific research, facts and figures on farm animal welfare
  • Comment from knowledgeable farm animal welfare specialists
  • Investigations into farm animal systems
  • Footage and photographs depicting conditions of farm animal systems
  • Advice for consumers
  • Our logo for use on websites and in print


Ben Williamson, Executive Director, Compassion in World Farming USA

As Executive Director, Ben is leading Compassion USA’s growing role in forging a more humane and sustainable food and farming system through measurable farmed animal welfare improvements and protein diversification. As a lead spokesperson, Ben has made numerous television appearances including NBC, CNN, Fox News, CBS, and Good Morning America and authored numerous op-ed pieces in USA Today, Newsweek, New York Daily News, Independent and more.

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