Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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News Icon 7/24/2024

Are Cage-Free Eggs Healthy?

Discover the health benefits of cage-free eggs. Learn about their nutritional advantages, potential food safety, and why they are considered a more humane choice for conscientious consumers.

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News Icon 7/17/2024

HUMAN FACES: Jessie Jarmon, North Carolina

Explore the impact of intensive pig farming in eastern North Carolina through the compelling story of Jessie Jarmon, a military veteran turned advocate. Discover the environmental and public health challenges posed by CAFOs.

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News Icon 7/16/2024

Food Justice and Eggs: Access to Ethical Eating for All  

Explores the intersection of food justice and farmed animal welfare. Learn how stigma, policy and farming practices impact access to ethical food choices. Discover ways to support a more equitable and compassionate food system for all.

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News Icon 6/20/2024

From Paradise to Feedlot: The Hidden Suffering of Hawai’i's Calves

Discover the hidden cruelty and inefficiency of live calf exports from Hawai’i to California. Our investigation follows the harrowing journey of calves from Honolulu to a Northern California feedlot, revealing the inhumane conditions of this…

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News Icon 6/13/2024

Tennessee expands access to higher welfare eggs for lower-income families through WIC, as data shows cost concerns unfounded

Tennessee becomes the 36th state to authorize cage-free and organic eggs for WIC participants, enhancing benefits without increasing costs. Discover how this change supports nutrition, dignity, and market resilience in our latest blog.

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News Icon 5/21/2024

What is live animal export?

Discover the hidden world of live animal exports in industrial agriculture. Uncover the harsh realities animals face during international journeys and learn why several countries are banning this practice.

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News Icon 5/10/2024

5 urgent reasons to reduce your consumption of animal products

You can help reduce your impact on Earth by cutting out or significantly restricting your consumption of animal products. Read why.

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News Icon 5/2/2024

What do pigs eat?

Unveil the truth about what pigs really eat in today's industrialized farming landscape versus the idyllic scenes of small farms. Explore the impact of industrialization on pig diets, from confined crates to limited nutrition.

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News Icon 4/26/2024

Murky Waters: The Environmental Cost of Intensive Animal Farming

Discover the environmental toll of intensive animal farming on water quality and public health. Learn how concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) contribute to harmful algal blooms and explore regenerative solutions to mitigate pollution.

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News Icon 4/10/2024

What is a CAFO?

Discover the truth behind CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) and their impact on animals, the environment, and public health in the United States. Uncover the realities of factory farming, from animal cruelty to environmental…

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