Sign the petition NOW to End the Cage Age
Factory farming forces animals into a life of confinement, depriving them of space, freedom, and the ability to engage in most natural behaviors. Sadly, rabbits are no strangers to industrial agriculture. In fact, over 500 million rabbits are slaughtered each year globally for their meat, and the vast majority are trapped in factory farms.
Compassion in World Farming recently conducted an investigation into rabbit farms in the European Union and found thousands of rabbits kept in wired metal cages so small that they were unable to lift themselves up fully up onto their back feet – a highly motivated natural vigilance behavior.
Our investigators also saw rabbits desperately trying to chew at their cages, moving in circles, or excessively biting their own fur – all typical signs of frustration and stress. Some had injuries including pressure sores and cuts to their ears.
This investigation only further drives home the need to end factory farming, for good, NOW. And we need YOUR help to do it.
Our collective voices are a force to be reckoned with, and together we can show that we will no longer stand by and let this cruelty continue. It’s time to END.IT.
Will you sign the petition to demand that global leaders and decision-makers End the Cage Age once and for all?

Unnecessary caged animal suffering
In their natural environment, rabbits would spend their days hoping, running, exploring and socializing with each other. Sadly, most of these behaviors are impossible in the cramped barren cages in factory farms.
Watch our investigation video, where you will see first-hand the conditions these naturally curious animals are made to live in:
A distressing reality
While these findings may be hard to watch. We must not turn a blind eye.
Because it’s not just rabbits who are suffering behind bars. Many more species, such as pigs, chickens, quail, ducks and cows, are all suffering the same distressing Cage Age fate. Here are just a few examples of the reality for farmed animals behind bars:
- Sows are forced into tiny gestation and farrowing crates. These metal cages prevent any movement, nest building, or proper interaction with their piglets, often causing physical injury and psychological stress.
- Hens are kept in cages and cannot perch, scratch, or dust-bathe, existing in cramped gloom. Many hens never leave their cage until they are removed for slaughter.
- Newborn calves from the dairy industry, whether destined to become dairy cows or to be reared for beef or veal, are usually kept in individual pens, isolated from each other, for the first eight weeks of their lives, damaging their physical and social well-being.
We can’t let this cruelty continue, and we need your help to End the Cage Age for good.
The European Commission must act
In 2020, CIWF International and other groups delivered 1.4 million signatures to the European Commission to ban cages for famed animals via the European Citizens' Initiative. Polling found that an overwhelming nine out of ten EU citizens – around 400 million people – wanting an end to this cruel caging for rabbits and other animals.
CIWF International is calling on the European Commission to act now and deliver its legally binding promise to ban cages, which has already been successfully adopted by a number of European companies.
The European Commission must make animal welfare a priority.
Promisingly, there has been a positive step forward. Twenty-nine industry leaders from food, farming, academia, and the environment came together for the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture, with CIWF CEO, Philip Lymbery, playing a leading negotiator role on behalf of animal welfare groups.
Following months of negotiations, a consensus was reached and a final report with clear recommendations was published, with animal welfare reform including a proposed ban on cages on the agenda.
Heralding the report, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said, “We have a very solid foundation for the development of a new vision for food and farming in Europe.”
With the Commission having now announced plans for its own Vision for Agriculture and Food within the next 100 days, this is a crucial time in our plight.
And with you firmly by our side, we know we can finally banish the cruel cage age in Europe and ultimately throughout the world.
Make your voice heard
While the investigation footage may be distressing, it showcases the reality of factory farming across the globe. And the outcome is clear – these animals don’t have time to waste.
We know we have the backing of our supporters; we know there is power in numbers, and we know we can create a better future for animals, people, and the planet.
Sign the petition to end factory farming and transition to more humane, ethical, and sustainable food production.
Summary report
To learn more about the investigation download the Summary Report