Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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News Icon 10/23/2017

Tell Popeyes to End Cruelty

Popeyes is sourcing chickens that were bred to grow so big, so fast that they often can't even support their own body weight. Take action now!

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News Icon 10/10/2017

Plant Based News Interviews CIWF

Plant Based News sat down with Leah Garces, US Executive Director of Compassion in World Farming to discuss factory farming, building bridges with the so-called opposition, and shifting the world to a more plant-based diet.

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News Icon 9/29/2017

Campbell Improves Animal Welfare

Campbell publishes its first ever comprehensive animal welfare policy and transparently reports progress on reforms so far.

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News Icon 8/29/2017

Caring About Jaguars Means Caring About Chickens

Intensive animal agriculture is driving many of our most cherished wild species—from jaguars to bison to bees—to the brink of extinction.

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News Icon 8/24/2017

Can factory farming feed the world?

If we were to start all over, we would never choose such an unsustainable, destructive food system.

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News Icon 8/23/2017

Meat Industry Leader Cargill Invests in Clean Meat

Cargill, the world’s largest supplier of ground beef, just made a game-changing investment in “clean meat” startup Memphis Meats—a company with the innovative goal of producing meat without the need to raise animals.

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News Icon 1/11/2017

Why the National Chicken Council Has it All Wrong

A new National Chicken Council study warns against slower growing chicken breeds and other changes companies are calling for. But they got it all wrong.

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News Icon 12/21/2016

Top 5 Food Service Companies Step Up For Chickens

In recent weeks, food service leaders Sodexo, Delaware North, and Centerplate joined Compass Group and Aramark in announcing major steps to improve the lives of chickens across their supply chains by 2024.

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News Icon 11/24/2016

2016 Impact for Farm Animals

Watch the 2-minute video to see the incredible impact you made for farm animals in 2016.

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News Icon 11/3/2016

Food service giants lead the way to better chicken

In a major milestone for farm animal welfare, global food service giants Compass Group and Aramark have committed to improving the lives of the millions of chickens in their supply chains by 2024.

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