Al Jazeera on Perdue Whistleblower Aftermath

News Section Icon Published 5/21/2015

Al Jazeera's Patricia Sabga reports from Craig Watt's North Carolina farm. Craig opened the doors of his Perdue chicken houses to the world in our video that went viral and shook the poultry industry. Since then, Craig says he has faced retaliation from Perdue.

Leah Garces, Compassion USA director, says of her unlikely partership with the factory farm contract grower, "We are definitely an unholy alliance not welcomed by the industry, I'm sure."

Craig received representation from the Government Accountability Project and filed a whistleblower lawsuit against Perdue. Al Jazeera reports, "In its response to the whistleblower complaint, Perdue alleges Watts... failed to euthanize sick and injured chickens to stage footage."

Rather than address the living conditions of chickens or concerns of contract farmers, Perdue has put the blame on the farmer.

"Watts isn't looking for a big payout.... He says that's because the potential payoff for contract farmers like himself will be much bigger than money." 

See the video above for the full story.


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