Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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News Section Icon Published 7/7/2022

Major investigation reveals sows suffering awaiting cage ban

Our major new undercover investigation reveals the immense suffering endured by sows in cages as they await the promised European ban on caged farming.

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News Section Icon Published 6/23/2022

New Book Reveals Factory Farming’s Threat to Humanity

"Sixty Harvests Left" explores how humankind & nature can survive the 21st Century together & why our future depends on it

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News Section Icon Published 6/15/2022

Awards recognize animal welfare and environmental achievements

International food companies recognized for achievements at the 2022 Good Farm Animal Welfare Awards

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News Section Icon Published 6/7/2022

Help end live animal exports

Animal lovers urged to take part in global day of action against cruel live animal exports

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News Section Icon Published 5/23/2022

New Virus, Same Cruelty: Avian Flu Amplifies Need for Change in the Poultry Industry

Eight years ago, an avian influenza pandemic was dubbed the “worst agricultural disaster in decades.” As the latest outbreak ravages chicken and turkey farms across the globe, the lack of preparedness is unacceptable.

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News Section Icon Published 5/5/2022

Turning up the Heat on Meat Consumption

Petition hand-in urges leaders of top meat-eating countries to reduce their nation’s consumption

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News Section Icon Published 4/12/2022

Victory: Arizona frees over seven million hens from cages

Arizona has become the most recent state to ban the sale and production of eggs from hens in cages.

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News Section Icon Published 4/7/2022

New film highlights health threats from factory farming

This World Health Day we’re highlighting a new documentary that shows how factory farming is affecting people through antibiotic resistance and pandemics

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News Section Icon Published 4/5/2022

UN report calls for urgent and significant climate action

Meat and dairy reduction and more sustainable farming practices are among the changes needed

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News Section Icon Published 3/29/2022

Third Annual ChickenTrack Marks Major Step Toward Higher Welfare

Today, Compassion in World Farming released its third iteration of ChickenTrack, a one-of-a-kind report capsulizing the state of the chicken industry’s progress toward higher welfare practices.

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