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Press Release Section Icon 9/17/2024

Compassion in World Farming U.S.A. is launching a new Better Chicken visual identity in response to requests from food businesses to support communication, recognition and understanding broiler chicken welfare, aligning with the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC). The result is an eye-catching chicken ‘face’ logo with the strapline, ‘Committed to Better Chicken, Raising Standards Together’ with accompanying visual and animated assets.

Better Chicken Logo

The identity and assets were created by creative change agency, Born Ugly. Companies that have signed up to the BCC can use these on digital channels to share their journey towards fulfilling the higher welfare criteria. 

Alternative versions of the logo have been developed for companies to use as they move forward, such as ‘Progressing Better Chicken’ or ‘Delivering Better Chicken’ for when their chicken meets 100% compliance with BCC. There are also visuals, animations and videos highlighting each of the different BCC criteria to be met: slower-growing breeds, more space, a stimulating environment and a more humane end. 
Together US (1)
The visual identity was initially available to a pilot group of European and UK companies on their BCC journey. Now, the second phase is underway for wider use across the U.S. and more European markets.

CIWF is launching its new identity through impactful social media content across various social platforms. The initiative aims to direct people to the Better Chicken webpage where they can learn more about the BCC, see which companies have signed up and discover ways to support higher welfare chicken.
Julia Johnson, U.S. Head of Food Business, Compassion in World Farming U.S.A. said: “Over 230 US food businesses have signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment, a science-based package of requirements that address the most pressing health and welfare issues for chickens reared for meat. As these companies work to fulfil their pledge and bring about a transformation in the market, it is vital that their customers, and potential customers, are made aware of this progress.

“Our ‘Better Chicken’ visual identity has been launched to raise awareness of the movement towards better welfare standards and to show consumers which of their favored brands have committed to compassionate chicken care so they can support them on their journey.”

To apply to use the Better Chicken visual identity in the United States, please email foodbusinessUS@ciwf.org

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