Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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Press Releases & Statements

Press Release Section Icon 9/18/2023

Global NGOs descend on Washington Square Park to call out Big Ag’s role in the climate crisis

Non-profit partners team up to promote meat reduction to help solve the climate crisis

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Press Release Section Icon 5/4/2023

“Our campaign continues”, says Compassion in World Farming in response to Best Aquaculture Practices open letter

This week, the Global Seafood Alliance published an open letter from Best Aquaculture Practices to Compassion in World Farming accusing the charity of running a campaign intended to discredit them.

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Press Release Section Icon 4/4/2023

Compassion in World Farming calls out Best Aquaculture Practices for failing to improve farmed fish welfare

Compassion in World Farming has today called out the seafood certification scheme Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) for failing to improve the welfare of the hundreds of millions of farmed fish it certifies every year.

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Press Release Section Icon 3/30/2023

Number of companies making progress toward the Better Chicken Commitment has more than tripled, latest U.S. ChickenTrack Report reveals

The number of companies reporting against their commitment to improve chicken welfare has more than tripled and includes four chicken producers in the U.S., according to the fourth annual U.S. ChickenTrack report released today.

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Press Release Section Icon 3/16/2023

Animal welfare campaigners call for octopus farm to be scrapped as source reveals cruelty and environmental consequences of proposed plans

Compassion in World Farming and Eurogroup for Animals are calling for the world’s first commercial octopus farm to be scrapped.

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Press Release Section Icon 1/31/2023

Americans expected to consume more than 160 million plant-based chicken wings during Super Bowl for second year in a row

More than ten million Americans are expected to consume approximately 160 million plant-based chicken wings, as the pace of pace of growth in the sector relents.

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Press Release Section Icon 1/9/2023

Is 2023 set to be a game-changer for lab-grown meat?

2023 could be the year that developments in alternative proteins bring major changes to what we eat

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Press Release Section Icon 11/21/2022

Compassion responds to COP27 outcomes

Progress on agriculture at COP27 is welcome but action from world leaders is needed to transform the global food system

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Press Release Section Icon 11/16/2022

Global cage-free progress increasing, sixth EggTrack report by Compassion in World Farming reveals

More companies than ever are making global commitments towards cage-free production, according to the sixth annual EggTrack report by Compassion in World Farming.

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Press Release Section Icon 11/12/2022

American public agrees – factory farming industry putting profits ahead of climate and animals

New international opinion polls and billboards in capital cities mark launch of major new celebrity-backed global movement to end factory farming

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