Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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Press Releases & Statements

Press Release Section Icon 5/5/2022

Statement on Inhumane Slaughter on US Egg Factory Farm in Iowa

What has happened at the world's largest egg factory plant in Rembrandt, Iowa, is an example of how the future of humanity is at stake. We simply cannot allow factory farming to continue ruining the health, well-being, food security, and…

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Press Release Section Icon 5/5/2022

Statement on Avian Flu in all North American Flyways

The risk of the spread of bird flu would be greatly reduced by reducing our addiction to factory-farmed meat and keeping chickens in smaller, less crowded groups and using breeds that have a naturally higher resistance to disease.

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Press Release Section Icon 5/5/2022

Compassion submits a petition urging a global reduction in meat and dairy to help reduce greenhouse gases

Over 53, 000 people signed the petition urging leaders of the top meat-eating countries and regions to implement change and shrink their country’s consumption of meat and dairy products, in order to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted by the…

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Press Release Section Icon 5/4/2022

Statement on Planet-Warming Emissions Spotted from Space

The emissions detected by environmental data company GHGSat's high-resolution satellites in February are a clear example of why immediate action must be taken to control the emissions produced by the food and agriculture sectors to meet the…

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Press Release Section Icon 4/21/2022

Animal Advocates Call on Banks to Stop Funding Industrial Farm Systems

Compassion in World Farming, along with other NGOs, is calling on major world banks to stop funding intensive animal agriculture.

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Press Release Section Icon 4/6/2022

Our Response to Latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report

The new Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report stresses that to limit warming to 1.5°C, we need immediate GHG emission reductions in all sectors. CIWF encourages people to eat less meat and dairy to help reduce GHG.

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Press Release Section Icon 3/29/2022

Food Businesses make progress towards the Better Chicken Commitment, latest ChickenTrack Report reveals

The third annual ChickenTrack report released by Compassion in World Farming highlights the progress made by leading food businesses in pursuit of the Better Chicken Commitment.

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Press Release Section Icon 3/16/2022

Tenth Annual Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare: Four of of Five Companies have Policies in Place, but the Food Industry must move Faster to Deliver Meaningful Welfare Impacts

The tenth annual global Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare (BBFAW) report, launched today, reveals that while companies continue to invest in animal welfare, they are too slow in delivering meaningful welfare impacts on the ground.

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Press Release Section Icon 3/2/2022

The United Nations Environment Assembly just voted to adopt a resolution that recognizes the vital links between animal welfare and the environmental crises.

Vital links between animal welfare and the environmental crises will be formally recognized for the first time at a global level after the adoption of a historic resolution today (Wednesday, March 2) at the United Nations Environment Assembly…

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Press Release Section Icon 2/25/2022

Enforcement of new antibiotics legislation vital to our future health

It’s estimated that if the world doesn’t radically change how antibiotics are used by 2050, antimicrobial resistance will kill more people than cancer does today. Routine medical procedures, such as hip replacements, cancer chemotherapy, organ…

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