Factory farming is the single biggest cause of animal cruelty. This industrialized system of rearing farmed animals in cages and overcrowded sheds and feedlots is also a major driver of climate change. Only by ending the needless suffering of animals can we hope to safeguard the future of our planet.

Imagine a future where all farmed animals are treated with compassion and respect. This is a beautiful legacy that anyone can leave through planned giving. Leaving a gift to Compassion in World Farming can ensure that your commitment to ending animal cruelty will continue.
No matter which planned gift option you choose, your donation will go toward our work to create a kinder world for animals, people, and the planet.

Legacy gift options to consider
We encourage you to check with your financial advisor or attorney to develop a plan
- Specific gift or property
You can specify the kind of gift you want to bequeath to Compassion in World Farming. It can be property, such as a vehicle; a specific dollar amount; or a percentage amount, e.g., 15% of estate value. - Contingent gift
This type of gift has certain conditions that must be met. For instance, if someone you have left a gift to has already passed, the contingency can allow for Compassion in World Farming to be next in line to receive that gift. - Residuary gift
This type of gift is honored after all other gifts have been made and all expenses have been paid. Compassion in World Farming would receive whatever is left of your estate after all other terms and obligations have been met. - Qualified charitable distribution
A gift from your retirement plan, such as from your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or pension is an easy way to support Compassion in World Farming. - Life insurance
You can name Compassion in World Farming as a primary life insurance beneficiary or as a conditional beneficiary.

Contact us
We are extremely grateful to our donors who have chosen to leave a legacy of love and kindness through their estate. Each gift will bring us closer to achieving our vision: a world where farmed animals are treated with compassion and respect.
Have you already included Compassion in World Farming in your will? Please let us know.