Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
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A big problem is going to require even bigger solutions.

Climate change, habitat destruction, pollution, environmental justice, and food inequality are systemic problems that will require huge, systemic changes—and it all starts with what’s on our plate.

Securing these changes will not only require us to end factory farming, but to replace it with a resilient, regenerative, and more compassionate food and farming system—massively scaling back our production of consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy in favor of more sustainable plant-based alternatives and replacing intensive animal agriculture with robust higher-welfare systems.

Our sustainability work recognizes the intersectional nature of the challenges we face and is designed to create awareness, generate action, and build support around three key areas:

aerial view of cows in feedlot

Building a better food future

To create the change we need, we must replace intensive animal agriculture with regenerative and higher-welfare systems. To do this, Compassion in World Farming works to eliminate the factory farming practices that cause the greatest amount of suffering, drive implementation of higher-welfare and more sustainable solutions, and protect the effectiveness of the medically important antibiotics that are currently overused in low-welfare, intensive farming systems.

Ensuring a thriving planet

To safeguard our future, we must ensure food production protects the stability of local and global ecosystems. We work to shift priorities away from producing low-nutrient food and high quantities of animal feed to producing healthy food in efficient and regenerative land and water-based environments. That means reducing demand for the most resource-intensive foods in favor of more efficient alternatives, reducing food waste, and reducing our food system's impact on biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, soil health, air and water degradation, and climate change.

Advocating for consumers and communities

Shopper with basket

Factory farming is a public health, social justice, and environmental threat, and creating the change we need will require us to make nutritious and sustainable diets accessible for all. This means re-balancing and reducing global consumption of animal products and driving investment in and enthusiasm around plant-based innovation. A reformed food system must also ensure fair treatment for farmers and food production workers and be built on the pillars of equity and justice for the people most negatively impacted by food production systems—particularly low-income demographics and people of color.

A time for change

We know that it’s going to take all of us—consumers and companies alike—to kickstart the change we need to transform our food system and pull our planet back from the brink. We established our two flagship sustainability initiatives with one goal in mind: To ensure that companies have the resources they need to drive progress from the top down, and that the millions of conscious consumers looking to change the world have the resources they need to drive progress from the bottom up.

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Eat plants. For a change.

For animal advocates, conscious consumers, planet protectors, nutrition nuts, and anyone who wants to save the world by exploring the wide world of plant-based eating—whether you're looking to dip your toes in the plant-based pool or take the full plunge.

2. Eat plants. For a change.

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Sustainable food program

For food businesses and institutions looking to rebalance their protein portfolios, reduce their environmental footprints, and become leaders in the movement for a stronger, more secure food future for animals, people, and the planet.

3. Sustainable food program

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Evaluate your plate

If you want to drive major change with what’s on your plate, it means looking beyond just greenhouse gases and carbon footprints. That's why we created a quick and easy way to find out the impact of your diet and go-to meals on animals, people, and the planet.

4. Evaluate your plate

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